His Majesty
King Mohammed VI
and Members of the
Royal Family
A Message from the Honorary
Aloha and Welcome
We are glad you have
found your way to our website. Welcome.
My name is M Jan Rumi.
Since January 28, 2005, I have been honored to serve as the Honorary
Consul of the Kingdom of Morocco in Hawaii. My passion is to
build warm, friendly, mutually beneficial relations between
America’s Aloha State and Morocco. In fact, my dream is the
creation of a “rainbow bridge” that will enable exchanges and
relations of all kinds – between citizens, businesses, educational
institutions, other NGOs, and government – to take place.
Please contact me if
you are interested in exploring opportunities in Morocco or Hawaii
and would like to help us build the “rainbow bridge.” If I
could help you achieve success in your undertaking, that would be
the best possible outcome of our collaboration.
Mahalo and shukran.
M Jan Rumi
Honorary Consul of Morocco
Honolulu, Hawaii |